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Lowering of age range consultation - closes on 3rd July 2024

Starting school 

Children start school in the September after their fourth birthday. The admissions process is managed centrally by Kent Local Authority. Parents complete a Reception Common Application Form  between November and January in order to apply for a place for the following September. Admission booklets with details of all Kent primary schools is made available in November from pre-schools and school offices. Everyone is encouraged to use the on-line application form found at

Places allocated by the county team are offered to your child based on your order of preference and school’s admission criteria

John Mayne Church of England Primary School admits 20 pupils each year. If there are more applications than places the following over-subscription criteria come into force with priority given to:

  • Children in Local Authority care (LAC)
  • Children with siblings in the school
  • Children or parents with special health or access needs
  • Geographical distance from a fixed point in the school to your home address

Parents are welcome to come and view the school at any time by appointment. We also hold an Open Day in December when you can see the school at work.

Joining the school at other times

Parents can contact the school directly to ascertain whether places are available in the required year group. Parents are welcome to visit and discuss their needs. If a place is available a standard application form, available from the school office, and on the link below, can be completed and an admission date arranged. The school will then advise the Local Authority.
