Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
In line with our Christian ethos, we believe that each child is unique with different gifts and talents, and a different rate of growth and educational development. All pupils will be encouraged to reach their potential through a variety of teaching and learning methods, with regular assessment on progress and attention to individual needs. Consideration is given to the physical, learning, emotional and behavioural needs of children.
The school has an Inclusion Manager (SEN Coordinator), Mrs Elaine Stanford, who meets regularly with class teachers to discuss individual children and ensure that appropriate support is in place. Many children’s needs can be met through differentiated class work, small group work or individual support within the classroom. The school runs a number of programmes to cater for particular needs e.g. Sounds Write, Dynamo Maths, Fizzy, Social Skills groups and Precision teaching. Progress is carefully monitored and adjustments to support made as appropriate.
If children present complex needs or fail to make progress we refer them to our Local Inclusion Forum panel (LIFT) to access further expertise through the full range of professional agencies. A few children have their needs set out in an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) drawn up by the Local Authority.
Parents are fully consulted at all stages and are considered joint partners in their child’s education.
The aim is for every child to follow the National Curriculum and benefit from the additional activities offered by the school wherever possible.
More able children
Through our assessment systems we identify more able children and ensure that they are catered for by differentiation within normal class teaching. Those whom we consider would benefit from a specific challenge are given opportunities to take part in additional activities both during and outside the school day. We recognise that some children have particular talents and aim to work with parents to encourage their development which may include linking up with other providers.
Looked After Children- Children in Local Authority Care
Priority is given in the admissions process to Looked After Children and particular care given to the nurture and support of any such children.
Elaine Stanford can be contacted on the school number on a Friday:
01580 291424
For further information about Special Educational Needs, More Able & Talented and Looked After Children, please refer to our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) policy.