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The John Mayne Trust

The John Mayne Trust was set up in the 1980s following the sale of the school house and investment of the money raised through the sale. The interest from the money invested is used to promote the education, including social and physical training of boys and girls in Biddenden. The beneficiaries must be pupils or ex-pupils of John Mayne School under the age of 25.
The Trust gives grants for students going to university, college or starting an apprenticeship, helping with start-up costs, books and equipment as well as offering school pupils financial support for extra-curricular activities. These may include sports, music and the arts. 

The Trust meets three times a year, every September, January and May to award grants. Adverts requesting applications are placed in the Parish Magazine with a deadline for submissions to the chairman.

For more information please email the trust: or use the link to our application form below:
