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Severe Winter Weather Procedures

We will always do our best to keep the school open and if you have not heard anything please assume that it is business as usual.

The school will only close if we have insufficient staff to supervise children or if there are health and safety issues.

Mrs Tester normally makes the decision about closure after consulting with staff about their travel conditions. It is difficult to do this much in advance as conditions can differ where people live and so decisions are not made until early in the morning if there has been snow over night. We will try to advise everyone by 7:45am.

 Kent Local Authority’s definition of ‘Essential travel’ includes staff and pupils going to school!

 How will you be informed?

1.  We will text you using our normal system so please make sure the details held in the   office are up to date.

 2.  We will post a message on the home page of the school website.

 3.  We will register any closures on the county website:

 4.  Radio stations (BBC Radio Kent, Heart FM and KMFM) will pick up school closures from the Kent website above and broadcast them. 

Your decision

 If you live some distance away you must make your own decision about road conditions and let the school know if your child will not be attending. 

If you live within walking distance your child is expected to attend if the school is open. 


 We sometimes request help to clear paths as the site is quite big for one caretaker to clear. Any one who is prepared to bring a shovel and help is very welcome.

Sometimes only a few members of staff can get into school. On these days offers of help from our volunteers can be very useful in helping to keep the school open. In order to help in class adults must have DBS clearance. 
