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The Local Governing Board (LGB) at John Mayne Church of England Primary School consists of a team of volunteers who undertake the important task of monitoring the strategic direction of the school. It is made up of representatives from the local Church, members of staff including the Headteacher, elected parents and members of the local community. 


We have adopted the Circle Model of governance which requires each member of the LGB to be familiar with all aspects of the educational, legal, financial and strategic elements of Tenterden Schools Trust (TST) and those relating to John Mayne Church of England Primary School in particular. We meet as a group six times a year. 


Minutes of the Governing body are available to read at the school. 


The Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors, at the school address: John Mayne C of E Primary School, High Street, Biddenden, Kent, TN27 8AL. 


A School Improvement Plan is prepared each year by the Headteacher, in collaboration with staff and governors, which identifies specific objectives and how these can be measured.  This is then used by the LGB to monitor all aspects of the school with each governor focussing on one or more of the objectives with the aim of achieving the best outcomes for all members of the school community with the resources available.  In addition, some governors take a role supporting particular areas in the school, such as Safeguarding and SEND provision.  


We aim to support the staff in providing the very best opportunities for each child to develop personally, socially and intellectually into a caring and responsible citizen. In this preparation for future life, we are keen to provide a rich and relevant education with equal opportunities for all children regardless of social background, physical abilities, gender, race, creed or religion. 


We believe that to be successful in achieving this we must all – parents, school staff and governors – work together in partnership for the benefit of each child. We share best practice, ideas and information with TST and other schools within the Trust.  We also work closely with the Diocese of Canterbury to maintain the Christian ethos of our school. 


All policies relating to Governors can be read in the Policies page under the Key Information menu. 

Letter from the Acting Chair of Governors 28th March 2024
