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Learning at home provides an ideal opportunity to the consolidate skills, concepts and knowledge that your child has been taught in school or it can be a platform to discover a new area of learning. Homework is usually based around a topic your child has been learning about and there will always be a selection of suitable activities for your child to choose from. These may include practical learning, completing some research or other related activities. At John Mayne Church of England School we believe that learning at home is a further opportunity to develop your child’s independence and should therefore require little support from parents. These activities are always in addition to daily reading. Each time that you hear your child read, please make a comment in their contact book or perhaps your child could write a comment themselves.

Homework will be given out to parents at the beginning of each term which will include information about the hand in date. Children’s homework is then used in class as a celebration of their learning at home and will be shared with the rest of the class (perhaps through a presentation or a class display).  

Y2 child:

‘Homework is fun and amazing because I can make things at home with my Mummy’

Y2 child:

‘I like how you choose what you’d like to do’

Y5 child:

‘I like finding out about topics before you’ve started it in class. It gives you a head start and you get to challenge yourself’


‘I like it because you can be creative in how you present your learning’
